Rawgical Thinker

2020年2月10日4 分鐘

甲亢貓居家照護重點|Hyperthyroidism Cat Home Care Focuses





  1. 甲狀腺藥物中斷或不規律都十分危險,請務必準時帶貓咪回診及領取處方藥物,並每日確實讓貓咪吃藥。


  2. 每天觀察貓咪並特別注意是否有異常的震顫、不正常的顫抖、搖晃、抽搐,甚至亂大小便失禁等情形,若觀察到上列情況,務必儘速聯絡貓咪的醫師。


  3. 遵循醫師指示回診,追蹤貓咪的甲狀腺指數,以便調整藥物劑量。


  4. 同時定期追蹤貓咪心率、血壓及肝腎指數;貓咪嘔吐及拉肚子的狀況也要特別注意。


  5. 給予高蛋白、高熱量、好消化的飲食,不需要吃處方飼料,並每週紀錄貓咪體重。

  6. 貓咪莫名嚎叫的次數可能變多,甚至出現幼貓化的暴衝行為;這時只能多體諒,請不要打罵貓咪。








Hyperthyroidism is an endocrine disease that is commonly found in senior cats, especially cats over 12 years of age. However, hyperthyroidism can also appear between the age of 4 to 23 according to related studies.

Diagnosis and treatments for hyperthyroidism have been covered by many resources that can be found online, so we will focus on the main points of homecare for cats that have already been diagnosed.

  1. Irregular dosage or self-halt administrative can be life threatening for your cat, please follow the prescription strictly. If you missed a turn by accident, do not double the dosage at the next one, just keep to the prescription amount. 

  2. Observe your cat everyday. Keep an eye out for minor trembles, shakiness, twitches, or even exertion at the wrong location. If you suspect anything, even as little as twitches of your cat's whiskers, you should always let your veterinarian know. Do not be reluctant to let the cat stay at the hospital, as neural damage is crucial sign of deterioration.

  3. Revisiting your vet and following up thyroid levels on time is also important, so your vet can monitor and amend the dosage of medication. 

  4. Heart rate, blood pressure, kidney function, and liver function of the cat can also be affected, so it's also important to follow up on relevant exams regularly. Usually you will find that liver-related indexes become higher over the course of the disease.

  5. Provide your cat with quality, easily digestible food that contains good protein, fat and low carbohydrate. Do not feed them hyperthyroid prescription, or senior formula diet. As cats with hyperthyroid condition are usually senior cats, who already have a decreasing amount of muscles, quality food is vital in this battle.

    Record your cat's weight every week, proper treatment should stop them from thinning - they should even gain some weight. Not to match their prime days, but they should at least maintain the numbers. If your cat keeps losing weight after sometime of treatment, consult your veterinarian as they may require further examination to diagnose other complications. 

  6. Your cat may show kitten-like behaviour, or howl for a long time during the wrong hours. Please do not get mad at them, since it's something they cannot control due to their conditions. A spare room to keep the cat in during your family's sleeping time can help. Make sure to provide water, blankets and litter in the room.

Establish a routine with your cat, it'll help you discover slight abnormalities early and can prevent many tragedies.
