All this starts with when a cat stumbles into a human's life.
If one did not already grow up with a cat, one has a good chance of getting a cat when one leaves their parents' home after reaching their civil majority. This may be during their university years, or after getting their first steady job.
This can be the first period of loneliness of a cat; long hours of the new job, or commitment to study and stressful exams can all result in a kitten being neglected unintentionally. If the human has less knowledge on caring for a cat, there may even be fatal accidents. These lethal accidents include falling from open windows, poison, and suffocation or intestinal obstruction from giving the cat a hazardous toy.
If the cat survives the crazy kitten period, and grows out of the hyperactive life stage, these accidents can still be a threat if not managed properly. If their humans have now graduated from university and/or entered some complicated relationships, cats may now be faced with a second period of loneliness.
In countries with mandatory military service, this is also the time of conscription. The poor cat might have to endure huge environmental changes and a temporary new human. These stress factors can lead to behavioural or urinary problems for the cat. Under extreme circumstances, it can also cause serious complications if the cat has been handed to a person who does not know a thing about caring for a cat. A lot of independent rescuers do not give their cat to younger adopters, since there is too much uncertainty. Since cats are animals of habit, any huge changes to their lifestyle can be the last straw.
As the lonely cat enters their senior life stage, their human may be married, or have small children. They may also be the one that’s been left out, because most of the attention will be shifted to the human child. In these situations, the chances of a human noticing the cat’s illness can be slim.
Some people even believe that a human child is safer to grow up without pets, and will give up their pets to achieve this goal. There may be pressure from other family members or financial issues that force many senior cats to be abandoned or change homes in the senior years of their life, around 10 to 15 years of age.
It should be a piece of cake for a cat to live to 20 years of age, as long as their human pays enough attention to the cat. Stop staring at your smartphones or Netflix shows or video games, there is too much to do and too much to watch for leisure nowadays. We do not save enough time and effort for each other and not enough time and effort to our furry family members. Their fluffy coats are a perfect disguise for their slimming bodies, developing a routine for weighing your cat can save you a lot of trouble and money, since many serious symptoms emerge after a period of losing appetite.
Start today, it’s never too late.